API Reference

Payment (MKE) - Adyen: P5

Card-Present payments done using P5 terminal/reader hardware.


This document will outline how to collect card-not-present payments from using Adyen as the processor and a P5 as the hardware. Please note that the big difference here is that the P5 hardware is asynchronous whereas the Adyen hardware is synchronous when using the API calls.

Selecting the P5 hardware

Before the P5 can be used, the merchant will first need to associate the P5 to their account. This can be done through the payment portal Adding P5 Hardware in the Portal or through the endpoint (POST /v2/hardware). If added through the API, it will be good to track the terminal_id as this will be required for the API calls to make a payment. If the P5 was added through the portal or you didn't keep track of the ID, you can always get a list of all terminals associated with the merchants account with the following endpoint (GET /v2/hardware).

Collecting payment

A basic example of collecting payment requires 3 types of API calls:

  • Payment Intent (describes how we intend to collect payment and the initial properties for the payment)
  • Auth (initiates the collection of a card payment from the terminal)
  • Status Get (gets the status of the payment)

Creating the Payment Intent

You will need to create a payment intent either server side or client-side by calling the Payment CREATE API endpoint (POST /v1/payment/intent).

// POST /v1/payment/intent
    "external_account_id": "account_123456",
    "amount": 12.99,
    "payment_method_types": "card_not_present_mke",
    "capture_method": "automatic",
    "external_transaction_id": "transaction_123456"

This will return a result that has a payment_id and you'll need this id to authorize the payment.

Collect Payment (asynchronous)

To request a payment from a specific terminal, call the following endpoint (POST /v2/payment/auth). Please note that in this case terminal_id and payment_id are required. Also note that this call is asynchronous. This means the call will return immediately even though the terminal has not collected payment yet. This call will return with a status of payment_method_requested.

// POST /v1/payment/auth
    "external_account_id": "account_123456",
    "payment_id": "pi_12345",
    "external_payment_id", "transaction_123456",  
    "terminal_id": "S1F2-1234567890",

Poll Payment Status (asynchronous)

You will need to poll the API for the payment status. We suggest you have a polling cycle of around 1 second. If you need more responsiveness in you UI, you could poll every half second if necessary. This is done through the following endpoint (GET /v2/payment/intent/[ID]) and will return a result like the following:

// GET /v2/payment/intent/pi_12345?external_account_id=account_123456
  "payment_id": "pi_12345",
  "date_created": "2023-05-08T20:53:36+00:00",
  "external_transaction_id": "05245bd0-36a3-4c23-fb35-d046fc8b339c",
  "status": "payment_method_requested",
  "amount": "14.84",
  "amount_authorized": "0.00",
  "amount_captured": "0.00",
  "amount_capturable": 0,
  "amount_refunded": "0.00",
  "amount_refundable": 0,
  "tip_amount": 0,
  "donation_amount": 0,
  "currency": "USD",
  "card_present": true,
  "payment_method_id": null,
  "notes": null,
  "authorization_code": "123456",
  "processor": "Adyen"

While you are polling, the status will change depending on what has happened. Here are status changes to look for:

  • payment_method_requested means we are still waiting on the terminal. Keep polling.
  • succeeded or capture_requested means the payment has been collected and auto-captured. Stop polling.
  • requires_capture means the payment has been collected and authorized. If you had specified manual capture, then you can stop polling, but if you had specified automatic capture, then you will need to continue polling you get another status.
  • requires_payment_method means one of many possible things (we are working to get more granular information). It may have time out or it may have been canceled. Stop polling. In this case you could retry the the auth above if needed.
  • error likely means it was declined for one of many reasons a card can be declined (we are working to get more granular information). Stop polling. In this case you can retry if the customer decides to either use a different card or wants to retry the same card again.

Once you have either a succeeded, capture_requested or requires_capture you can complete collecting payment in your POS app. If the status was requires_capture you will still need to capture the payment yourself through the following endpoint (POST /v2/payment/capture).

Handling your own timeout

While polling, you will eventually want to give up if you don't get a status change after a certain amount of time. Because of different events that can happen at the terminal (payment, signature, tips, donations, etc.). We recommend polling for at least 3 minutes before you timeout on your side.