API Reference


Help for common terms used in docs and communication

Payment Terms

Merchant - An individual or company processing payments on behalf of their business.
Store - Synonymous with Merchant
Account - Synonymous with Merchant
MID - Synonymous with Merchant. Stands for Merchant ID.
Customer - A consumer or shopper, someone who purchases goods or services from a merchant.
Location - A merchant may have many locations for which they do business. These may be physical location or web locations.
Company - Organizational entity that processes payments on behalf of it's merchants. As a developer of this API you represent a company and your API keys will be at the company level.
Brand - Organizational entity that is part of a company. A company may have multiple brands.
Platform - Synonymous with Company
Payment - Represents a transfer of funds from a customer to a merchant for goods or services.
Terminal - Hardware used for processing and collecting credit card information for a payment.
Reader - Synonymous with Terminal.
Card Present (CP) - A card that is presented in store and swiped, tapped or inserted in to the POS terminal to process a payment.
Card Not Present (CNP) - A card that is used virtually using it's card number, exp date and CVV. Usually this is done through eCommerce payments.
Manual Key Entry (MKE) - A card that is manually entered through a POS terminal usually because it cannot be swiped, tapped or inserted do to a technical error with the card.
Card On File (COF) - A saved token that can be re-used for purchases or recurring payments. Represents a customers credit card.

Adyen Terminology

Merchant - Maps to a Company in Portal
Balance Account - Maps to a Merchant and usually referred to as a MID
Customer - Same as a customer in Portal
Store - Maps to a Location in Portal